Date and Time
Sunday Dec 8, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM CST
Sunday, Dec. 8, 2024, 6PM-8PM
Original Oyster House, 3733 Battleship Parkway on the Causeway
Contact Information

Starting Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024, the Original Oyster House restaurants are a drop site for Toys for Tots, our Nation's flagship children's Christmastime charity. While having lunch or dinner, drop off a toy for a special child because finding a present under the tree on Christmas morning is an experience every child deserves. The collection event culminates on Sunday, December 8th when our local US Marines will join us at the Mobile Causeway location from 6PM to 8PM. The US Marines, in their dress blues, will pick up donated toys, take photos with your family and wish everyone a happy Christmas. If you are interested in participating, please drop off an unwrapped toy, gift card or consider donating by check to Toys for Tots. You can place donation items in the Toys for Tots collection box at the Mobile Causeway or Gulf Shores restaurants. Both locations also have gift shops. All donations will be distributed locally to needy children.