We had a great time at the ribbon cutting for HealthActions Physical Therapy! Their new location, 27955 US Hwy 98, Suite XYZ, Daphne, Al 36526, is stunning!
"We are a private physical therapy practice, owned by physical therapists, Beth Whitehead and Debbie Powell. Our purpose is "Helping people feel better, move better ,live better". Our values are : We are servant leaders, continual learners and passionate professionals. All of our licensed clinicians have been through specialty training to improve the movement system of the body. We first help people by reducing their pain, then by restoring movement to areas of the body that have become stiff, tight and weak, and then teaching our patients how to move to improve their quality of life, at work, at home and at play. Our treatment programs provide significant hands on treatment, working to achieve our desired results. These treatment methods are very different from traditional exercise driven physical therapy and often get better results. "
"We love helping people and we love working with therapists who want to learn the techniques we use to help people. "
"We have been in business for 40 years, serving people in the southern parts of Alabama!"
"We provide services at our office Monday through Friday. Call or come by for a discovery visit to see how we might be able to help you feel better, move better and live better!!!"
You can learn more about HealthActions Physical Therapy by visiting their website!